It is absolutely glorious this weekend...temps in the 70's and no clouds in the sky. I went to Trader Joe's yesterday and picked up the most amazing sunflower bouquet...I put it in a sunflower pitcher I got years ago at Target. I took a gajillion pics and the only one that caught the beauty of it was the one I took on the fly this morning. I need to edit out my hair holder but other than that it is really pretty.
So, I've been working hard..pre-inventory cleanup was this week and while it was successful, I'm beat. So I've been flaking out with books (I discovered Karen White who writes supernatural mysteries based in Charleston) and I went with some friends to see Men Who Stare at Goats. I should have loved it but I didn't. I didn't laugh once and Clooney was not all that hot. I probably should have stayed home.
Two weeks ago I went to see Amanda show a cow. However, the cow decided it was a race and not a show and galloped through the arena with Amanda in tow. This is Buffy and Amanda. Buffy is the cow. And she is certifiable. Then earlier this week, there was a shooter on the loose in Athens in the end of town that was near the Ag farms. Amanda assured me all was fine.
This week the neighbors finally took down their Halloween decorations. This is was a bangup year..we had cemetaries, inflatable pumpkins but the best was the Angel of Death across the street. They left him up long after they took down their other decorations. I took this the other morning..because it was so weird...
So that was my odd week. I'm sitting here with the bundled up with the windows open. Pretty soon, I'll go mow my leaves and mulch and then I'll put the hammock up and read another mystery.