The last 48 hours have completely wiped me out. I have:
1. Found a dead chipmunk in my front yard. I'm guessing it is the cute one I see scamper away on my porch. I even thought it might be staying in my grill which did not bother me. I threw (I used a paper towel to pick it up) in the trash and then realized the trash guy wouldn't be here for a week...dumb Idea. So I got the shovel...picked it up with that and went to the wooded area and threw it in the woods.
2. Lucy was sniffing the grill..figured I needed to clean above chipmunk's nest. Bad idea...big rat in grill instead. I threw the lid of the grill back..breaking it and the rat just sat up and sniffed at me. I resented that cheekiness and slammed the side of the grill..yelling get out of here. Lucy chased it threw the yard...I yell "Get the rat Lucy"...I then look up at the McMansion that is right behind my house and a realtor is showing the house. Oh, and I'm in my pajamas.
3. Then today...I was talking to my CSR's and I see something in the trees outside. I look and it's a hawk. It was huge and beautiful. It swooped down and got something small and brown. I'm pretending it was a rat and not a chipmunk. We ooohed and ahhhed and then an hour later he/she was back. This time she went to a robin's nest and ate the babies while momma squawked loudly. I ran outside but I fear it was too late. The hawk flew off with the robin in pursuit (but not too closely).
4. Lucy will not stop whining to go outside to track the rat. I've bleached the grill and I'm replacing anything he/she touched. Yuck.
I've had enough Wild Kingdom. I'm a city kind of gal.
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