That is my Lucy. Part Beagle..part something else. She's so sweet and so onery. That pic is from the other morning when I left her in the backyard for ten minutes. I have to put a barrier up because she can fit through the slats and she'll go across the street and poo. Then I get a letter from the HOA telling me to keep my dog in my yard.
Well, the orange fencing worked. It's not pretty but I have no one next door so who is going to complain?
Then last night we were walking on a leash. She saw a rabbit. Lucy is fast..faster than any dog her size. She pulled so hard that I fell face down and lost the leash. She ran around the corner of the house and I heard a scream..maybe more a squeal. I ran
But tonight she's curled up on the bed...and you would think she is always an angel.
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