I also live in a very conservative area. I'd like to discuss my political views but have no one to talk to.
It was really hot and suddenly it is really cold. Yuck.
Yesterday I won tickets to a wine tasting event and tonight I'm going to Cirque for the "Ova" show. So life is not too bad and I need to pull myself out of this funk.
So I'm posting. How are y'all?
i had almost given up on you ms. Goddess!
I have often felt very grateful that i live and work in a place where my political views are welcome. Though i do like to talk to moderate dissenting folks.
We're getting into that Pacific Northwest grayness that makes me want to hunker down and eat white food and nap. But i like white food. and i like napping, so i don't overly mind it. I just sometimes feel a little guilty that i turn into such a slug.
I look forward to drinking red wine this time of year though. And i love my DVR and recently got into Parenthood and Modern Family besides my Office favorite. so i never really get bored.
Tonight i'm meeting a girlfriend at one of my favorite restaurants. My husband is in E.Washington visiting his mom so i have the weekend alone!
What are you plans for Thanksgiving?
Good to see you here again, but sad that work is going so tough for you right now...hope it eases up soon.
I know what you mean about discussing political views...I have two groups of friends with whom politics often comes up - especially with the elections being so in-your-face this time (from both sides).
With one group, I'm the most conservative voice at the table; with the other, I'm the most liberal in the group. It's lonely in the middle...but I'm still walking that independent tightrope. There's just so much to be disappointed in from either perspective. People just don't understand how much trouble we are in..."politics" has totally trumped common sense all over the place...from the top down.
Sadly, it's because that there are so many folks out there who can't reasonably discuss things all. They cling to their political position so tightly that they cannot see past it. It's become all about the Red and the Blue.
I've lost a couple of friends over it, but it was their choice. Sad symptom of a much broader problem. If as a country we can't get over the division and find some common ground, we will never find our way out of this mess.
Crap - I'm depressing myself.
Is the fall air crisp and cleansing there right now? I used to love autumn in the ATL. Used to drive up to the mountains and stomp around. Felt good.
Awesome!! Thank you for not giving up on me.
I'm much better..work is tough. Managing can really be wearing. But I have the whole Thanksgiving week off and Amanda is coming in.
I love Modern Family and Parenthood but haven't had time to watch either. Hopefully, I can catch up next week.
The weather is just beautiful. Last week was freezing but it's warmed up and I spent the day running errands. I got Mark Twain's autobiography. I'm from Hannibal where Tom Sawyer is our Bible so I'm excited to get some new words from the king of snark.
JoJo..we visited Portland years ago and I just fell in love. Atlanta is pretty but I loved the vibe I got from Portland. I would even deal with the dreary days.
Pearl - I'm sorry I brought you down. One of the sales managers who I adore was in town and we had dinner and talked politics. We don't agree about everything but he's just so reasonable. So I feel better again.
Well, I'm off to make a margarita and watch some mindless football. Go Dawgs!
No, baby, I brought me down. All by myownself. Politics sux.
Did you know that for a lotta years, ATL has worse average annual rainfall than SEA??
I'll take Honolulu. TYVM. ;-D
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